It requires every 60 days to update the license. Hence do this every time up update VX manager. License for nano, as well as pass through/Tech2win-GDS2/SMGRDS should be good until 2030 as well.
Update VX manager to 1.8.4, via the top tab far right in VXmanager/all scanner. Once VX manager is updated to 1.8.4, update the Nano firmware, update the liscences, then make sure to click on diagnostic top second from the left, go to apps, and make sure to uninstall/then reinstall Passthru, GM GDS2/T2w, and SGM RDS. If license is expired, before you update the licenses, update the firmware on the device. Here are some suggestions or using tips on running vxdiag vcx nano gm vx manager, GDS2, tech2win software on windows 10.